a cidade com que sonhamos é a cidade que podemos construir
la ciudad que soñamos es la ciudad que podemos construir
the city we dream of is the one we can build ourselves
la cittá che sognamo é la cittá che possiamo costruire
la ville dont on rêve c’est celle que nous pouvons construire
The Agenda 21 for culture was agreed to by cities and local governments from all over the world to enshrine their respective commitment to human rights, cultural diversity, sustainability, participatory democracy and creating conditions for peace. Its purpose is to serve as an orientation for cultural public policies as a contribution towards humanity’s cultural development:
Cultural diversity is humanity’s main legacy. It is the product of thousand of years of history, the result of the collective contribution of all peoples through their languages, imagery, technologies, customs and creations. Cultural diversity contributes to a “satisfactory intellectual, emotional, moral and spiritual existence.” (UNESCO Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity, art 3), and is an essential element for transformation of the social and urban reality.
Rio de Janeiro 1992, Aalborg 1994 and Johannesburg 2002 were the main steps of the process established to address one of the biggest challenges for humanity: environmental sustainability. According to UNESCO, “Source of exchanges, innovations and creativity, cultural diversity is for the human race what biological diversity is for nature.” (Universal Declaration of UNESCO on Cultural Diversity art 1).
Local governments recognize the fact that cultural rights are an integral part of human rights and refer to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948), the International Pact on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (1966) and UNESCO Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity (2001). Cultural Freedom for individuals and communities is a condition essential for democracy.
Unrestricted access to means of expression, communications and technologies will promote and strengthen local cultures and their collective heritage based on knowledge.
Respect of local culture in establishing rules and regulations as well as esthetic concern with the design of public spaces.
Protection and valorization of local and public documentation as well as the creation of mechanisms for making them accessible for public consultation.
Promotion of a tourism in a manner that is respectful of local customs and culture.
Barcelona 2004
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Projeto, pesquisa e organização: Alzira Agostini Haddad